Saturday, January 6, 2007

Some thoughts that I had recently...

What's wrong with the world?
Where did the happiness and the trust go?
Why is everything so evil and dark?

DTA is what I believe in, at least that's what I'm trying to believe in.
DTA means Don't Trust Anybody.

It isn't easy , because I'd be lying if I said that everyone are bad.
I have friends
I have lots of friends!
They are the reason I want to wake up in the morning and deal with another day.

But there are those bad people, they are all around and their impact is much more significant then the impact of the good people.
Because good people make you smile, they make you feel good but in a short while you forget about it.
However, when bad people make you feel bad, you remember that and it's something that is very hard to forget. Because when you get hurt, you remember it a lot better then if you were happy.

I've been hurt lately, by someone I consider very close.
I won't forget it, I'm sure of it.
But I will get on with my life.

I know that I'll never say it to their faces, but I sure would like to tell them to go to hell, to get a life and to leave me alone.
But it won't happen , because that's not the kind of person I am.
I carry it all within me and I'm getting along just fine.

Eventually, everything will be back to normal and hopefully it'll stay like that.

May we have a great week.
